Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Fresh Noise

Samsung GNexus (LTE)

WL UnlockTab (by me) NFR- will be available soon
SoftKeys (by me)
MNML StatusBar by kgill77 (battery and vibrate modded by me)
Fresh N Clean Icons by kgill77 (NFR- will be available soon) Awesome icons KG!
mClock - By me (inspired by Fresh N Clean Icons)
MusicMod 4x4 widget (by me) NFR

Hope u all like.. 


  1. what size mClock widget do you use, sir? every time i put mine at 4x2 it's still showing up small on my screen :/

  2. its actually miss..lol but which mclock are u using? it depends on the clock, and the size widget it calls for. let me know which clock it is and i can help a lil more.
